Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dear 2014

Dearest 2014, 

What a shite year you were. 
Let us count the ways... 

1. My amazing fiancé and I set a date for our wedding. 
2. I planned my wedding. And was incredibly excited for it- which insane if you know me, marriage has never been my vibe. I even made a wedding file. 
3. So began the endless weeks of arguments, over-stepped boundaries and sheer panic. Whilst never of us will agree on who's fault it was, I know where I'd place my money. 
4. Wedding cancelled. 

2014 was a year that challenged me in ways that I still have yet to grasp. It was a year that tried to take my voice away. It was a year that helped me figure out who I wanted in my life, who I had to tolerate in my life and who I didn't want anywhere near my person. 

I'm still trying to cope with the aftermath of 3 horrendous months, don't know if I'll ever move passed it, but alas we must try. 

In the end it was a year in which I grew up. I moved job to a place I've been wanting to get in to, the fiancé and I have out own apartment that we're trying to move into- more challenges of course and finally we get to plan our wedding on our terms. 

Resolution for 2015? The year I stop pandering to the whims of imbeciles. Sorry, that was really dramatic but yet again, true. It will be the year of saying 'No!'.

Eat a bag of dicks 2014.