So Assignment 1 has been completed to best of my ability (read: lack of abilty) and here they are!
Because I know zero to minus zero about photography I went to the one place I could get really amazing shots without actually knowing how to get a great shot, enter Durban Beach Front.
If you're from SA or have been here then you know how amazing it is, every single day! And shame on you naysayers who say nay!
Most of the shots were crappy, but as the wise Stephen has said, "Out of 500 shots they'll only be 10 or so really good one's that you could use."
The first shot was a low angled photo. I took about a gazillion low angles of stairs, flowers and ither random shite and then whilst walking along the pier I look down and see this.
A little boy had run into the surf and it was beautiful. Words are seriously failing me now, shitty considering this is a written medium and all, but this little boy was bursting with joy and it was lovely to witness and capture. Not sure if it comes out in the photo to anyone reading this but it certainly did for me. whilst the technique may not be there I think this photo contains the spirit.
North Beach 2012 |
The second shot included was meant to be a photo depicting the Rule of Thirds. I'm not sure what the heck this is depicting except a bad shot of one of the most gorgeous skylines I've ever seen.
Durban Skyline July 2012 |
This however is not too bad. uShaka's Cargo Hold restaurant, not the yummiest food around but delicious views!
Que fotos tan bonitas!!!!